Wood Waste

Wood Waste Recycling

Wood waste recycling ensures that the natural resources used for new wood production are conserved. The pressure on forests is reduced by using recycled wood materials instead of wood obtained by felling. Wood recycling saves energy. New wood production requires cutting and processing trees, while less energy is needed to process recycled wood materials. This ensures that energy resources are used more effectively and efficiently. Recycling wood waste reduces the amount of waste in landfills. Wood does not dissolve and deteriorate in nature for years. By recycling, wood waste is reused or used in the production of other products, thus reducing the amount of waste in landfills.

Contribution to Climate Change


Recycling wood waste reduces its carbon footprint. Cutting trees for new wood production releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while using recycled wood materials reduces this emission. Thus, it contributes to the fight against climate change. Wood waste can be reused through the recycling process. Recycled wood materials can be used to manufacture a variety of products such as furniture, floor coverings, decorative items, garden furniture and more. This ensures more efficient use of resources and enables waste to be evaluated. In summary, wood waste recycling saves natural resources, saves energy, reduces waste, reduces carbon footprint and provides reuse. By contributing to the recycling of wood waste as individuals, businesses and societies, important steps can be taken towards a sustainable future.

Aggregation and Parsing

The first stage is the collection and proper separation of wood waste. At this stage, construction waste, furniture waste, packaging waste and other wood waste are separated.

Classification and Preparation

The separated wood waste is then classified and properly prepared. At this stage, large pieces can be cut into small pieces or suitable sizes.


Prepared wood waste is subjected to recycling or reuse process. In the recycling process, wood waste is usually ground into wood shavings.


Wood shavings can then be pressed into wood planks or sheets. The wood planks can then be used in the manufacture of furniture, floor coverings, doors, panels and other wood products. Wood waste can also be converted into biomass for energy production.

Energy production

Wood waste can be used as biomass energy. Especially in large-scale power plants or heating systems, wood can be used as fuel. In this way, wood waste becomes a sustainable energy source by using it in energy production.


Wood waste can decompose naturally and be used as compost. In this process, wood waste is decomposed as organic matter and can be used to enrich garden soil or create garden compost. This process reduces environmental impacts.