Logistics and Waste Handling

We Carry for a Sustainable Future...

Our company offers a logistics and waste transportation service specialized in the recycling industry. We are here to assist you in fulfilling your environmental responsibilities and to ensure that your waste is properly managed. We have a fleet of vehicles equipped to suit your needs and driven by licensed drivers.

The safety and environmental compatibility of your waste is a priority for us. While transporting your waste, we take all safety precautions and act in accordance with the relevant legal requirements. For the continuity of your business, it is important to collect and transport your waste on time and regularly. We ensure that our customers can continue their business without interruption by providing on-time delivery guarantee. We create tailor-made waste management plans for your waste to be managed properly. We determine the most appropriate transportation methods according to waste types, quantities and characteristics. Our experienced and trained personnel take part in waste handling operations. In this way, it is ensured that your waste is correctly separated, packaged and transported. We fully comply with the relevant legal requirements in the waste handling process. We make sure we have the necessary permits and ensure that your waste is disposed of correctly.

We also offer a professional service to our customers in the waste handling process. We appreciate your environmental awareness and recycling efforts. Our company offers a professional team and service to ensure that your waste is transported in a safe and environmentally friendly manner and managed correctly.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or requests for more information about our services. We will be happy to assist you!